Corrective Services NSW

Compulsory Drug Treatment Correctional Centre

The Compulsory Drug Treatment Correctional Centre (CDTCC) located on the Parklea Correctional Complex, around 40km north-west of Sydney. The CDTCC is operated by CSNSW and is separate to Parklea Correctional Centre.

CDTCC houses participants who have been sentenced to a Compulsory Drug Treatment Order by the NSW Drug Court in Parramatta.

Visit Parklea Correctional Centre, for the main Parklea centre.


(02) 9678 4171

Street address

66 Sentry Drive 

Postal address

PO Box 3000 
Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768

How to get there

Public transport

The nearest railway station is Blacktown. The 741 Busways bus operates from the station on an hourly basis seven days a week. 

Private transport

Parking is available at the centre. 

Visitor information


Bookings for video and in-person visits are required and can be made by phone. 

To make a booking, please phone the visit bookings line on (02) 9678 4171 Monday to Friday between 8:00am and 3:00pm (excluding public holidays).

Visit times

Before travelling for a visit, please call the correctional centre to confirm visit and visiting time.

New COVID-safety measures apply to in-person visits, make sure you know the rules before you book.

COVID-safety measures are as per current CSNSW policy.

In-person visit times

In-person visits take place on Saturday between 10:00am and 3:00pm. 

Video visits

Video visits take place on Sundays and public holidays between 10:00am and 3:00pm.  

Providing health information about your family member or friend in custody

To provide a general concern about access to medication or any other health related information you should contact the health provider, Justice Health NSW who can handle your enquiry:

  • JH&FMHN 24hr Mental Health helpline 1800 222 472 (Mental Health enquiries)
  • JH&FMHN Client liaison 02 9700 3000 (Business hours) (Primary Health or Mental Health enquiries)

Or by emailing:

Providing urgent information that may require an immediate response

If there is significant information affecting your family member or friend in custody that may require an immediate response, call the correctional centre on 02 9678 4171. For example:

  • Risk to self, thoughts of self-harm or suicide, or thoughts of harm to others
  • Acute medical concern e.g. heart attack.

Legal visits

Legal practitioners may visit from Monday to Friday between 9am - 3pm. Notification of intention to visit must be made by telephoning the Centre on (02) 9678 4133 or in writing to the Director.

About the Program

The CDTCC is an interagency collaboration between Corrective Services NSW, Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network and Drug Court NSW. A multidisciplinary team at the Centre ensures treatment, rehabilitation and reintegration of male participants who have repeatedly offended in order to support a severe substance use disorder.

The CDTCC is primarily guided by the Compulsory Drug Treatment Correctional Centre Act 2004 which commenced on 21 July 2006. The CDTCC was opened by the Minister for Justice on 23 September 2006 and received its first participants on 4 September 2006.

The Order is "compulsory" because neither the Crown nor the offender has a right to object to, or appeal against, the referral to the Drug Court for consideration of a Compulsory Drug Treatment Order.

There are 3 stages in the Program:

Stage 1

  • Closed detention for at least six months in a secure environment.
  • Programs include core therapeutic intervention addressing dynamic risk factors for drug related offending, adult education and work readiness programs, and prosocial living skills syllabuses that target health-related issues.

Stage 2

  • Semi-open detention for at least six months with access to community-based interventions. 
  • Programs accessed in the community include employment, adult education and vocational training, volunteer work and social opportunities to assist in effective re-integration. 
  • Intervention to maintain positive behaviour change continue to be delivered in Stage 2 at the CDTCC, with an emphasis on improved family and social relationships.

Stage 3

  • Community custody at accommodation approved by the Drug Court under intensive supervision. 
  • Programs sought in the community consolidate gains made in Stage 2 and increase access to mainstream community services. 
  • The Drug Court determines release to parole supervision.

Eligible Participants

There are several steps to complete before an offender becomes a participant of the Program.

Step 1

The sentencing court, based in metropolitan Sydney, finds the defendant to be an "eligible convicted offender" on the basis of five eligibility criteria:

  • been sentenced to imprisonment between 18 months and 6 years,
  • not been convicted of some specified offences (e.g., attempted murder, sexual assault, use of a firearm, or supply/manufacture offences),
  • resides in metropolitan Sydney, and
  • is over 18 years of age.

If the defendant meets the above criteria, the sentencing court refers him to the Parramatta Drug Court.

Step 2

The Drug Court considers three additional eligibility criteria in the defendant:

  1. has a long-term substance use disorder that is directly connected to the offence/s committed,
  2. the facts and antecedents of the offence indicate long-term substance use and associated lifestyle, and
  3. must not suffer from a serious mental condition that may lead to violence or restrict active participation in the Program. Psychiatric and health assessments by clinicians at the CDTCC assist the Court in this determination.

Step 3

If found to be an "eligible convicted offender", the Drug Court then considers suitability. 

A suitability assessment, conducted by the CDTCC team provides information to the Drug Court regarding 

  • drug treatment history
  • history of committing violent offences in the community and violent acts in prison
  • the likelihood of committing a domestic violence offence during community access in Stages 2 or 3
  • the level of motivation and attitude toward compulsory drug treatment and 
  • whether the defendant may damage the Program or any other person's participation in the Program.

Step 4

If the defendant is considered eligible and suitable, the Drug Court imposes a Compulsory Drug Treatment Order.

Personal Plan

If a Compulsory Drug Treatment Order is imposed, the participant is moved to the CDTCC. 

A Compulsory Drug Treatment Personal Plan is developed within three weeks for the Judge to approve. The Personal Plan imposes conditions on the participant regarding drug treatment and rehabilitation throughout the Order.

The Case Coordinator will prepare the Personal Plan with the participant to:

  • Develop conditions that will address identified physical, social and psychological needs related to drug use and offending behaviour
  • Determine individualised rewards for meeting the conditions
  • Provide information regarding sanctions for not meeting the conditions
  • Ensure the Personal Plan is signed as an agreement between the participant and multidisciplinary team members.

The Drug Court then monitors the progression of the participant from Stage 1 to Stage 2 and then to Stage 3 on the basis of meeting the conditions of the Personal Plan. 

The Drug Court and the Commissioner, Corrective Services can also regress a participant backward through the Stages or revoke the participant from the Program when certain conditions of the Personal Plan are not met.

For more information contact the Program Director:


The team is made up of:

  1. Program staff appointed by Corrective Services (i.e., alcohol and drug workers, psychologists, teachers, parole officers and a Chaplain).
  2. Nursing and medical staff appointed by Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network (i.e., registered nurses, public health nurses, psychiatrist, Drug and Alcohol Medical Officer, general practitioner and dentist).
  3. Custodial staff to support case management and programs, and ensure safety, security and a drug-free environment.

The team members conduct assessments and provide court reports, co-facilitate group programs, provide individual intervention and support, conduct staff training, and are engaged in research and evaluation. ​

Concerns about inmate health

You can contact us if you are worried about the health of a family member or friend in custody.

General concerns

If you want to give us mental health information only, call Justice Health NSW Mental Health Helpline on 1800 222 472 – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If you want to give information about mental or physical health, or have concerns about access to medication, you can:

Find out more about the Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network (Justice Health NSW).

Urgent concerns

If you want to give us urgent or important information so that we can take immediate action for your family member or friend, call the correctional centre on (02) 9678 4171.

Urgent information about your family member or friend might include:

  • risks to self, e.g. thoughts of self-harm, thoughts of suicide
  • risks to others, e.g. thoughts of harm to others
  • acute medical concerns, e.g. heart attack.
Last updated:

28 Feb 2025

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