Victims Services

We're here to help. Call the Victims Access Line 1800 633 063 or Aboriginal Contact Line 1800 019 123 (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm)

National Redress Scheme

The National Redress Scheme was established by the Commonwealth Government in response to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

The National Redress Scheme provides eligible child sexual abuse survivors with access to:

  • counselling
  • a direct personal response from institutions responsible for the abuse
  • a redress payment.

You can apply for these supports through the National Redress Scheme any time before 30 June 2027.


If you have accepted an offer of redress through the National Redress Scheme, and you live in NSW, Victims Services can help you access up to 22 hours of free counselling. Additional hours may be approved. 

Once you have accepted your offer of redress you can contact Victims Services to start accessing counselling.

Direct personal response

If you receive an offer of redress through the National Redress Scheme, you can choose to have a direct personal response.

This is an opportunity for you to receive an apology from the agency that was responsible for the harm you experienced as a child.

You can choose to have a support person to help you through the direct personal response process. This might be a family member, friend, carer or professional worker, such as a counsellor or someone from a redress support service.

If you accept a redress offer from the National Redress Scheme and the institution responsible is a NSW Government institution, Victims Services can help coordinate the direct personal response.  

If a non-government institution was responsible for the abuse, you should contact the National Redress Scheme which can provide the relevant contact for direct personal responses for that institution.

You can find more information about direct personal responses on the National Redress Scheme’s website.

Redress payment

The National Redress Scheme decides on any payments on a case by case basis. These can range from less than $10,000 through to $150,000.

For more information on redress payments, visit the National Redress Scheme’s website.

You may also be eligible for a recognition payment under the NSW Victims Support Scheme.

How do I apply or find out more information?

You can find more information about the National Redress Scheme and how to apply for support by:

Redress support services are available throughout NSW to help you if you are applying or thinking about applying to the National Redress Scheme.

If you would like to find out more information about accessing counselling or a direct personal response, contact Victims Services by:

Last updated:

26 Jul 2024

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