The Evidence Portal

Why an evidence portal?

Consistent feedback from the NSW early intervention sector and stakeholders highlights the most common challenges faced when trying to find and use research evidence in service and program design and implementation, include:

  • not having enough time to find research
  • not knowing if the research is high quality and/or relevant to their work 
  • challenges in knowing how to apply the evidence.

The Evidence Portal seeks to address these challenges and more. 

Importantly, the Portal will also help to identify gaps in the evidence base and inform investment in future research. 

What information does the Portal include? 

The Portal currently includes:

  • Evidence Reviews capturing rigorously evaluated programs and services
  • Evidence-informed programs identified in these reviews
  • Core components - program components common across evidence-informed programs, for identified groups of people.  At this stage the Core Components approach is available for services that provide supports to keep children and young people safe and support them to thrive
  • The Aboriginal Cultural Safety and Wellbeing Evidence Review - a standalone review undertaken to explore available evidence and gaps in relation to building culturally safe human services.
  • The Aboriginal-led Early Support Programs Evidence Review – a standalone review on the evidence supporting Aboriginal-led early support programs.
  • The Youth Key Tenets Program review – a program review which provided the opportunity to hear from young people and a selection of youth service providers about their experiences in youth programs and what makes effective practice in youth work.

But we know that focussing only on programs that have been rigorously evaluated fails to capture the vast body of evidence and knowledge about what works in supporting children, young people, families and communities.  This is especially true for services and programs designed by and for culturally and linguistically diverse, and Aboriginal families, young people and children and communities.

It is intended that, over time, the Portal will also include evidence reviews to identify emerging research evidence.

To find out more about the Portal and the evidence it currently holds, good places to start include:

We expect to be updating material regularly.  If you would like to receive a notification email when new material is uploaded to the Portal, please contact us.

Last updated:

02 Aug 2024

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We acknowledge Aboriginal people as the First Nations Peoples of NSW and pay our respects to Elders past, present, and future. 

Informed by lessons of the past, Department of Communities and Justice is improving how we work with Aboriginal people and communities. We listen and learn from the knowledge, strength and resilience of Stolen Generations Survivors, Aboriginal Elders and Aboriginal communities.

You can access our apology to the Stolen Generations.

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