Communities and Justice

Inquest into the death of Jacob Carr

Case Number: 2019/256729

Findings Date: 30 November 2023

Magistrate: Joan Baptie

CORONIAL LAW | death in police operation; gunshot wound inflicted by police officer; appropriateness of actions of NSW Police Force officers; adequacy of care and treatment provided by NSW Ambulance


Recommendations to Response
NSW Ambulance (PDF, 410.0 KB) Received
NSW Commissioner of Police (PDF, 225.0 KB) Received


The Commissioner of Police

1. Consideration be given to amending the Critical Incident Guidelines to provide instruction that where a Duty Officer is presented with immediate resourcing constraints that would prevent the separation of invovled officers in strict compliance with the terms of the Critical Incident Guidelines, the Duty Officer should consider what alternative means may be available to meet the intent of the guidelines to ensure the integrity of the involved officers subsequent evidence, for example by ensuring any body worn cameras worn by the officers or relevant in-car-video are kept operational and recording until they are able to be properly separated in accordance with the Guidelines.

NSW Ambulance

2. Consideration be given to improving Incident Reporting concerning any equipment failures to ensure they are communicated to a specified person within each directorate using the particular equipment who has responsibility for the monitoring of the continued efficacy of the directorate's equipment. 

Last updated:

28 Jun 2024