Communities and Justice

Emergency & temporary care arrangements

Interim Care Model (ICM)

Learn more about ICM:

Individual Placement Arrangements (IPAs)

An IPA is a temporary fee-for-service emergency accommodation arrangement based on the individual needs of the child. IPAs should only be used after every effort has been made to place the child in a contracted OOHC placement.

Agencies providing IPAs must be accredited by the Office of Children's Guardian (OCG) to provide residential care. Financial approval from the relevant DCJ Executive District Director must be sought prior to the IPA commencing. Approval is also required when the IPA is reviewed every three months.

Learn more about IPAs:

Alternative Care Arrangements (ACAs)

An ACA (PDF, 172.9 KB) is an emergency and temporary fee-for-service arrangement for a child in, or entering, statutory or supported out-of-home care (OOHC) after every effort has been made to place them with relatives/kin, a foster carer, or contracted OOHC placement (e.g. accredited PSP provider).

Learn more about ACAs:

For DCJ case managed ACAs:

Resources to assist service providers and their staff:

Last updated:

23 Jul 2024