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Caring for toddlers

Life can be very exciting for toddlers as they develop rapidly between the ages of 1 and 3. This is a time of many changes as your baby grows into a separate, independent person.

The articles below provide some tips and expert advice on how to give your toddler the very best care and guidance.


All about toddlers

Knowing what is happening for your toddler will help you be more patient and understanding.

Download the All about toddlers (PDF, 108.2 KB) resource.

Changes and fears

The arrival of a new baby, being sick, moving house, sleeping in a new bed or being separated from mum and dad are all things that can stress toddlers.

Download the Changes and fears (PDF, 97.7 KB) resource.

Keeping toddlers safe

Toddlers need to have a safe environment. They are too young to know how to behave safely.

Download the Keeping toddlers safe (PDF, 283.3 KB) resource.

Taming toddler tantrums

Toddler tantrums can test any parent’s patience. If your toddler is having tantrums, you’re not alone this article offers some useful advice on how to get through this period.

Download the Taming toddler tantrums (PDF, 250.6 KB) resource.

Teaching your toddler about good behaviour

By setting clear limits and providing guidance you can help your toddler master self discipline.

Download the Teaching your toddler about good behaviour (PDF, 181.2 KB) resource.

Feeding toddlers

Toddlers like to choose when and what they eat. Help your toddler learn about food and eating.

Download the Feeding toddlers (PDF, 137.6 KB) resource.

Helping your toddler get a good night's sleep

Battles at bedtime are all too common if there’s a toddler in your house. Here's some advice that may help.

Download the Helping your toddler get a good night’s sleep (PDF, 167.2 KB) resource.

Toilet training time

Learning to use the toilet is a big new step for toddlers and it can take them a while to get the hang of what to do.

Download the Toilet training time (PDF, 135.4 KB) resource.

Games for your toddler

Hanging out with your toddler can be fun. Here are some easy, inexpensive ways to play with your toddler. Playing is an important part of learning.

Download the Games for your toddler (PDF, 360.3 KB) resource.

A new baby in the family

A new baby arriving in the family brings big changes for everyone, particularly for toddlers.

Download the A new baby in the family (PDF, 90.3 KB) resource.

Learning to talk

Learning to talk is one of the most difficult and important steps that your toddler will take.

Download the Learning to talk (PDF, 135.8 KB) resource.

Choosing the right childcare for your child

At some stage, your toddler may need to attend childcare. This article provides some guidance on how to choose the right centre and what kind of services they can provide.

Download the Choosing the right childcare for your child (PDF, 206.9 KB) resource.


All articles provided on this page are based on the Parenting SA, Parent Easy Guides - see disclaimer and copyright.

Are you concerned about your child?

Parent Line NSW provides free support, information, referral and counselling for parents and carers of children aged 0-18 years in New South Wales. Call Parent Line NSW on 1300 1300 52. Available on weekdays 9.00 am to 9.00 pm, weekends 4.00 pm to 9.00 pm (cost of a local call from any landline in NSW).

Last updated:

20 Jun 2024