Communities and Justice

Accessing support

Care leavers can find that accessing their records brings up emotions, these feelings can be positive or can sometimes be upsetting or overwhelming. We recommend that you have someone to support you through the process.

Support with applying for and reading your records for everyone

Community Service Centres

If you live in NSW, a caseworker can be made available to help you to read your records or to answer questions and provide support if you choose to read your records at a Community Services Centre. Aboriginal care leavers may request the support of an Aboriginal staff member or support service when accessing information and this will be provided wherever possible.

Find and Connect

The Australian Government funds the national Find and Connect services. Find and Connect has offices in all States and Territories, and can help you to apply for your records and access support in your local area.

Find and Connect Support Services provide specialist trauma informed counselling, referral services, peer, education and social support programs, assistance to locate and access records and reconnect with family members (where possible) for people who were placed in out-of-home care in Australia.

The Find and Connect Web Resource is a resource for people who were placed in out-of-home care in Australia and anyone interested in the history of child welfare in Australia. It brings together historical resources relating to institutional ‘care’ in Australia. It contains information and images of children’s homes, help to find records about a person’s childhood in ‘care’, and information about support groups and services.

Phone: 1800 16 11 09 (from anywhere in Australia)

Visit the Find and Connect website.

Care Leavers Australasia Network (CLAN)

CLAN is a national, not-for-profit advocacy organisation for care leavers of all ages. CLAN provide information, advocacy, telephone support, referrals and assistance with reading files.

Phone: 1800 008 774 (free call)


Visit the CLAN website.

Support for young care leavers

It may be helpful to receive support from people you already know and have worked with. This may include a Community Service Centre, another agency that supported you while you were in care or a service that is currently supporting you. You can also contact one of the following support services for assistance.

Aftercare Resource Centre (The ARC)

The ARC is a service for young people aged between 15 and 25 years old who have been in out-of-home care in NSW. They can provide therapeutic reading of your records as well as help with your application.

Phone: 1800 656 884 (free call)


Visit the ARC website.

Aboriginal Aftercare State Wide Service

Leaving care and aftercare support for Aboriginal children and young people aged 15-25 years who have been in out-of-home care.

Phone: 1300 339 016

Email: or

CatholicCare After Care Program

Aftercare support for 18 to 26-year-olds who have been in out-of-home care at some stage in their lives. Available in Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Maitland, the Upper Hunter and Manning areas.

Phone: 02 4979 1120


Family Spirit Aftercare

Leaving Care and After Care support to young people 15-25, who have been in out-of-home-care, residing within the South-Eastern Sydney region.

Phone: 02 8709 9333


Visit the Family Spirit Aftercare website.

Uniting ACE Aftercare

Aftercare support for children and young people 15-25 years who have been in out-of-home care.

Phone (general): 1800 864 846 (free call)

Phone (Illawarra and Shoalhaven): 02 4220 1127

Phone (Mid North Coast): 02 6581 6600

Phone (South Western Sydney): 02 4629 5101


More information for young care leavers (15-25 years old) can be found on the ChildStory YOU website.

Support for care leavers over the age of 25 years

Wattle Place - NSW Support Service

Wattle Place provides counselling and a range of other support for people who are over the age of 25 and were in out-of-home care in NSW between the 1920s and 1990s, regardless of where they now live. Wattle Place can provide advice and support on accessing records about your time in out-of-home care.

Phone: 1800 663 884 (free call)

Visit the Wattle Place website.

Additional support services and resources

Aboriginal Affairs Family Records Unit

Aboriginal Affairs operates the Family Records Service (FRS) to help Aboriginal people in New South Wales to access records pertaining to themselves, or their ancestors, that are held in the archive collection of the former Aborigines Welfare Board (formerly known as the Aborigines Protection Board) and the Chief Secretary records relating to Aboriginal affairs. The records span the period from 1890 to 1969.

Phone: 1800 019 998


Link-Up (NSW) Aboriginal Corporation

Link-Up NSW works with Aboriginal people over the age of 18 who were separated from their families when they were children. Services provided by Link-Up NSW include reunification and counselling.

Phone: 1800 624 332


Visit the Link-Up website.

National Redress Scheme

The National Redress Scheme helps people who have experienced institutional child sexual abuse gain access to counselling and psychological services, a direct personal response, and a monetary payment. Applications can be made from 1 July 2018 until 30 June 2027.

Visit the National Redress Scheme website.

NSW Special Search Service

The NSW Special Search Service provides free specialised national and international search and reunion services to people who were separated by government intervention in NSW, for example through adoption, being under the care of the Minister, foster care, or being placed in a children’s home in NSW. It is provided by qualified professional Social Workers experienced in delivering discreet and supportive tracing and reunification services.

Phone: 1300 657 843 (cost of a local call) or (02) 9267 0300


Visit the NSW Special Search Scheme website.

Stolen Generations Reparations Scheme and Funeral Fund

The Stolen Generations Reparations Scheme provides ex-gratia payments to living Stolen Generations survivors who were removed from their families and committed to the care of the NSW Aborigines Protection or Welfare Boards. The payments are made in recognition of the harm that these removals caused. There is also a fund to assist with funeral payments. The closing date for applications will be 30 June 2022.

Visit The Stolen Reparations Scheme website.

If you need support right now

The following services are available 24/7 from anywhere in Australia

Triple Zero

Phone: 000

Provides: Emergency Services including police and ambulance.


Visit the Lifeline website.

Phone: 13 11 14

Provides: Confidential crisis support and suicide prevention services.


Visit the Beyondblue website.

Phone: 1300 224 636

Provides: Counselling for mental wellbeing, anxiety, depression and suicide prevention.


Visit the 1800 Respect website.

Phone: 1800 737 732

Provide: Confidential information, counselling and support service for people impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence.

MensLine Australia

Visit the MensLine website.

Phone: 1300 787 978

Provides: Counselling service for men with family and relationship concerns.

Suicide Call Back Service

Visit the Suicide Call Back Service website.

Phone: 1300 659 467

Provides: Professional counselling for people who are affected by suicide.

Last updated:

18 Jun 2024